Zula Europe Pro League week 6 chronicle

18/01/2019 - 17:00


The 6th week of the Zula Europe Pro League has left us magnificent matches with impressive plays carried out by the Pro Players.

This week's matches have been the following and you have a summary of each one:

x6tence vs PRIDE Recap
Pompa Team vs myRevenge e.V. Recap
ACTINA PACT vs For The Win Esports Recap
Izako Boars vs VirtuE Recap

In the confrontation between x6tence and PRIDE we have enjoyed a magnificent show that ended in a draw. In China, the PRIDE players did not give a truce to x6tence arriving at the swap of roles with a favorable result of 6 - 3. Later, in the turn of attack of x6tence, PRIDE defended impeccably closing the match with a result of 10 - 3. In Old Town, the players of x6tence woke up and were able to reach the victory after 2 overtimes getting a result of 16 - 4.

Pompa Team got its first victory in the Zula Europe Pro League and left behind the last place of the ranking. In China, the Pompa Team players gave no respite to myRevenge e.V. arriving at the swap of roles with a favorable result of 6 - 3. Subsequently, in the defense of myRevenge e.V., Pompa Team attacked without mercy closing the match with a result of 10 - 3. In Old Town, the players of myRevenge e.V. put up more resistance coming to the swap of roles with a result of 5 – 4 against. On the other hand, in their turn of attack, the players of Pompa Team did not have contemplations and closed the match with a result of 10 - 7.

ACTINA PACT and For The Win had a tough fight that ended with a draw that does not help either of them. In Old Town, the ACTINA PACT players had no mercy with the members of For The Win and managed to close their turn of attack with a favorable result of 7 - 2. Subsequently, For The Win could only score 2 rounds in attack before falling defeated with a score of 10 - 4. The match carried out in Wedding Hall has been the longest of all the Zula Europe Pro League reaching to lengthen up to 4 times. The equality was such that until the end of the fourth overtime we did not know the winner of this match, which was finally For The Win with a result of 22 - 18.

VirtuE made things difficult for Izako Boars, but it was not enough to avoid the defeat. In Old Town, the players of Izako Boars reached the swap of roles with a favorable result of 5 - 4. Later, VirtuE, in his turn of attack, made things very difficult for the boars. The final result was 10 - 8 in favor of Izako Boars. In Favela we could enjoy a very tight match that was decided in the overtime. The players of Izako Boars closed their turn of defense with a result of 7 - 2 in their favor, but the players of VirtuE did not give up and forced the overtime. The game ended thanks to an epic play of Doxiu with a score of 13 - 10.

The MVP of the week 6 has been baddyG. Thanks to his magnificent plays was the key to victory for his team:


Zula Europe Pro League ranking:


The next matches of the Zula Europe Pro League are the following:


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